A sunset ceremony to remember!

Brandon & Debra finished the day off with a bang! As the clouds opened up and let the warm rays of the sunset shine through they said "I do"

Benefits of a sunset ceremony:

  • That magic light!
  • Can head directly into reception, no awkward time for guests.
  • Sparkler exit, no need to gather everyone all drunk later on.
  • Best way to end the day and start the party off right.
  • You get all the formal photos out of the way, with more time to interact with guests and explore photo locations.
  • Less stress as the day goes on.

Cons of having a sunset ceremony:

  • If its mid summer, you will be having a late supper unless you eat first then get married!
  • Things can run late so just make sure to leave some buffer time.

Remember that this is a day to celebrate you and your partner so make it your day! Do what you want, do what screams you both!